The National Committee of Switzerland consists of the following organs:

The General Meeting (GM) is the highest organ of the association an includes every member.

  • The ordinary GM normally takes place in spring. An extraordinary GM takes place, when called by the president, by the executive committee or one fifth of the members.
  • The GM elects the president, the other members of the executive committee and the auditors. It decides of the amendments of the articles of the association, approves the minutes of the last GM as well as the president’s and auditors’ report.
  • The GM stipulates the amount of the membership fee, approves the budget, elects the honorary members, expresses itself about the proposals of the executive committee and the members and decides about the dissolution of the association. The simple majority is necessary for the votes. the president’s vote is decisive by equality of votes.


  • André Magnin, cantonal engineer Fribourg


  • Jürg Röthlisberger, FEDRO, 1st Delegate
  • Mario Cavegn, bfu
  • Philipp Stoffel, Enginious AG
  • Patrick Eperon, VSS
  • Erwin Wieland, FEDRO
  • Martin Buck, contraf ag
  • Gianfranco Del Curto, Brugnoli e Gottardi, ingegneri consulenti SA
  • René Leutwyler, Construction Perret SA
  • Two auditors are assigned to verify the accounts at the end of the financial year and to deliver a written report to the general assembly.
  • The auditors are entitled to control the cash and inventory at random.
  • The auditors are entitled to call in specialists.
  • The auditors are elected for a period of four years. They mandate can be prolonged for another four years.

Current auditors:

  • Yael Katzenstein, SNZ Ingenieure und Planer AG
  • Peter Heiniger, former cantonal engineer Solothurn

The administrative office attends to the organizational, administrative and financial tasks of the association as per agreement with the PIARC Swiss National Committee.

PIARC Switzerland
Heiligkreuzstrasse 5
CH-9008 St. Gallen