The Council is the highest decision-making body of the PIARC World Association. It is composed of delegates from the member countries, chaired by their First Delegate. The number of delegates per country is calculated, among other things, according to the amount of membership fees paid.

Switzerland currently has four delegates, with at least one delegate representing the Swiss National Committee:

  • 1st Delegate
    Jürg Röthlisberger, Director, Federal Roads Office (FEDRO)
  • 2nd Delegate (representing the Swiss National Committee)
    Vivian Welten, Head of Division, Federal Roads Office (FEDRO)
  • 3rd Delegate
    Valentina Kumpusch, Vice Director, Federal Roads Office (FEDRO)
  • 4th Delegate
    Guido Biaggio, Vice Director, Federal Roads Office (FEDRO)
  • Honorary member
    Olivier Michaud